ビジネス法務さんの所で取り上げられていたリンクを保存。http://release.nikkei.co.jp/detail.cfm?relID=335517&lindID=5 <まとめ> 2012年度に不適切会計・経理を開示した上場企業は26社で、前年度の32社を下回った。2009年3月期決算から、…




パナソニックのか。業務用プロジェクター | Panasonic

Public Accounting Firms in China

U.S. CPA firms in China | China Accounting Blog | Paul Gillis

Shanghai VAT Pilot Program:

AMCHAM China’s government has been considering valued added tax (VAT) reform for a few years. However, VAT and business tax (BT) currently account for close to 50 percent of the China government’s tax revenue collection and making adjustme…

住友商事がIFRSの適用を開始、決算短信と有価証券報告書を公開 住友商事がIFRSの適用を開始、決算短信と有価証券報告書を公開 | 日経 xTECH(クロステック) IFRSの任意適用は10年3月期以降に終了する事業年度から、一定の条件を満たした企業に対して認めら…

Toughest to spot an Asian Fraudster

[w.moneycontrol.com/news/business/toughest-to-spotasian-fraudster-kpm:title] Research conducted by KPMG member firms is based on 348 actual fraud investigations in 69 countries across Europe, Middle East, and Africa region. In India, 88% o…

Customer Satisfaction Survey of Big 4

CFOs Dish On the Big Four - CFO That being said, one Big Four firm emerged as the clear favorite, with 67% of its clients saying they typically recommend it to others: PricewaterhouseCoopers. The lowest-rated firm was KPMG, with 54% of cli…



Settled Disciplinary Order Against PricewaterhouseCoopers International Firms in India for Audit Violations Related to Satyam

Washington, D.C., April 5, 2011 PCAOB Announces Settled Disciplinary Order Against PricewaterhouseCoopers International Firms in India for Audit Violations Related to Satyam The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board today announced a s…

Two Elephants

It is so cute.


遠矢純一郎先生がつぶやいていらしたのですが、講談社のブルーバックスでは原発と原子炉について解説している本を無料で公開しているとのことです。ブルーバックス | 講談社 ブルーバックス出版部(講談社) 著者からのメッセージ 二〇一一年三月一一日。東…

IASB and FASB Project Updates

Technical Agenda

Hidekatsu Yoshii: "Earthquake, Tsunami, Nuclear ... a Triple Shock for Japan"

ORIGINAL FRENCH ARTICLE: Hidekatsu Yoshii: "Séisme, tsunami, nucléaire .. un triple choc pour le Japon"by Interview by Rosa Moussaoui, translated by Kenzo Fukuma(Japanese to French)Translated Friday 18 March 2011, by Henry Crapo and review…



Benjamin Monreal先生のスライド



5号館さんの所で知ったのですが、First estimates of total radioactive cesium and iodine emissions from Fukushima plant - March 22, 2011日本からデータが提供されないので、正確とはいえないかもしれないと書いてあるけど、こういうことをすぐできる…


http://www.yomiuri.co.jp/science/news/20110324-OYT1T00138.htm?from=navlp読売新聞の記事を転載しますが、 福島第一原発の事故後、23日夜に初めて、報道陣の前に姿を見せた班目(まだらめ)春樹・原子力安全委員会委員長は「電源の喪失は深刻で予想を超え…

EPA Radiation Monitoring

http://www.epa.gov/japan2011/Gross Beta - Levels in Anaheim, California, are thousand times below any conservative level of concern. The beta gross count rate measures the radiation from all radionuclides that emit beta particles, which is…

GE's Emergency Operating Procedures

Executives May Have Lost Valuable Time at Damaged Nuclear Plant - The New York Times By KEN BELSON, KEITH BRADSHER and MATTHEW L. WALD Published: March 19, 2011 NY TimesでペンシルバニアでG福島の原子炉と同じようなGE社製の原子炉のオペレータ…


柳田先生のブログで知ったのですが、大前さんという方は工学博士をお持ちで原子力がご専門だったのですね。地震発生から1週間 福島原発事故の現状と今後(大前研一ライブ579) - YouTube

California's Neclear Emergency Resonse Plan

Page not found福島の原発のような事故があった際にカリフォルニア州では上記のリンクにあるNeclear Eergency Response Planというものがあったのね。たった5ページのプランだけど、要点は抑えてあるような気がするな。日本でも同じような異常事態に対応す…


厚生労働省で福島と茨城の農産物の放射能を計ってみたようですね。福島県産及び茨城県産食品から食品衛生法上の暫定規制値を超過した放射性物質が検出された件について |報道発表資料|厚生労働省




Nuclear cleanup: Electricity essential for the best-case scenario - CNN.com In the best-case scenario, electrical power and cooling would be restored to all of the six units of the plant, said Tom Kauffman, spokesman for the Nuclear Energy…

Reactor Design in Japan Has Long Been Questioned

By TOM ZELLER Jr. Published: March 15, 2011 Design of G.E.’s Mark 1 Nuclear Reactors Shows Weaknesses - The New York Times G.E. began making the Mark 1 boiling water reactors in the 1960s, marketing them as cheaper and easier to build — in…

GE offers help to Japan, defends nuclear power industry

GE offers help to Japan, defends nuclear power industry - Reuters GE built the first reactor at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power complex, operated by the Tokyo Electric Power Co (TEPCO) (9501.T), and with Toshiba Corp (6502.T) it manufa…

IASB Update - Meeting on February 1 and 2 in London

http://media.iasb.org/IASBUpdate1and2Feb2011.html For leases, the staff used two cases to help the boards focus on the factors that are critical to distinguishing the lease of an asset from a contract for services. For revenue recognition …

To the Point: FASB and IASB propose new model for recognizing credit losses

Per AccountingLink by E&Y, The FASB and IASB have jointly proposed a model for determining when credit losses should be recognized on certain loans and other financial assets. Financial assets would be separated into a "good book" and "bad…

Exposure draft Offsetting Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities and supplementary document Financial Instruments: Impairment published

http://www.ifrs.org/Current+Projects/IASB+Projects/Financial+Instruments+A+Replacement+of+IAS+39+Financial+Instruments+Recognitio/ALO/ED/ED.htmPDFのファイルをダウンロードしたので、読んだら要約するかも。 コメントは”exposure draft Offsetting…