


Finally, accountants are blogging

According to the CPA insider , there are a few accounting blogs out there. Some use blogs are a marketing tool and others do for teaching purposes.Let's look at some of the teaching blogs on the net:http://www.mauledagain.blogspot.com/:Mau…


ミクシイのお友達のしが研さんの日記で、アメリカのキー局(NBC, ABC、CBSの三大ネットのことかな?)でが娯楽性が強い番組に押されて、報道番組が打ち切られるという事態になっていると日本の報道番組であるNews 23で取り上げていたということを知った。…



SOX related seminar on the web info

At PRWeb, you can download the Weninar on "The Impact of Sarbanes-Oxley", which was given by Chrisan Herrod, Cheif Security Officer, US SEC:http://www.prweb.com/releases/2005/11/prweb314545.htm (PRWEB) November 25, 2005 -- In a free Xtalks…



Corporate Blogging

英語のブログのリンクはBloglinesに集めるつもりですが、こちらにも興味深いブログ関連のリンクを貼っておくことにしました。DATAMATION: http://blog.datamation.com/blog/archives/2005/10/tips_for_corpor.html October 17, 2005 Tip…

SOX法のコンプライアンスに関わっていると、Material Weaknessが見つかったという記事を見ると読んでしまう。

http://today.reuters.com/investing/financeArticle.aspx?type=marketsNews&storyID=2005-11-21T214144Z_01_WNA4281_RTRIDST_0_FOOD-POORE-URGENT.XML:Poore Brothers says accounting errors to reduce Q2 e…

Accounting in India



丸山さんのブログが主な情報源になります。 どのように煮詰まるのか目が離せません。 http://maruyama-mitsuhiko.cocolog-nifty.com/security/:まるちゃんのブログ


GRIのサイトにあるGlossaryを見ていてゲッとなった。 http://www.globalreporting.org/guidelines/2002/dglossary.asp:GRI Sustainability Guidelines of 2002 SOx: Sulphur oxides. アタシがお勉強しているSOXは化学の世界では硫酸なんとかという危険な物質…

Generics Challenge Roche on Tamiflu:

(The Wall Street Journal 11-3-05 12:42 AM EST) Reports that Tamiflu can be made quickly raise questions as to why Roche said it would take years for rivals to copy the drug. アメリカは薬代が高いからか、…

Amazon Plnas Online Book Program:

(The Wall Street Journal 11−3−05 2:59PM EST) Amazon plans to sell online access to books in a move that could be a publisher-friendly alternative to Google's controversial library project. 早くこういうサ…

Mercury top execs resign in accounting scandal

By Stacy Cowley, IDG News ServiceMercury top execs resign in accounting scandal | Apps & wearables | Techworld Mercury 's three top executives have resigned over an accounting scandal.CEO Amnon Landan, CFO Douglas Smith, and general counse…

Follow up on Mercury, etc


Fed Increases Funds Rate to 4%:

The Wall Street Journal 11-2-05 3:05午前EST The Fed raised short-term rates a quarter point to 4% and suggested that it will continue with increases until the economy slows. The central bank indicated optimi…

Mercury Executives Resign Amid Probe:

The Wall Street Journal November 2, 2005−2:50 午後EST Mercury Interactive said three top executives have resigned following a probe into improper granting of stock options. Shares of the business-so…

Accounting Chamber Takes English Lessons

http://www.kommersant.com/page.asp?idr=529&id=622715:Kommersant The British National Audit Office presented its report on the Russian Accounting Chamber yesterday. Auditor General of Great Britain Sir John Bourn told his Russian …



Journal of Acountancyのオンラインニュースを見ていたら、今後、どういったテクノロジーが一般的になるかという予想があった。

https://www.cpa2biz.com/News/Journal+of+Accountancy/October+2005/A+Tour+of+Tomorrows+Technology.htm:Recent history shows change comes faster than we expect and in ways we can't foresee. The author describes what technologies lay ahead for …

Accounting complaint in a Spanish utility takeover battle:

Reuters, Bloomberg NewsTUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2005The New York Times - Breaking News, World News & Multimedia MADRIDGas Natural, the largest supplier of natural gas in Spain, is planning to complain to U.S. and Spanish regulators over …

UC Berkeley Conference Keeps Accounting Professionals Current on Trends in Financial Reporting; Nov. 4

http://www.ascribe.org/cgi-bin/behold.pl?ascribeid=20051101.100104&time=10%2011%20PST&year=2005&public=1 BERKELEY, Calif., Nov. 1 (AScribe Newswire) -- From true tales of white-collar crime to the global conceptual framework for accounting…


Hadson Sawyerというサイトによると、これが2005年のBest of the Best Accounting Firms(アメリカの会計事務所のトップ50)ということらしい。http://www.hudsonsawyer.com/IPA-best.pdfPDFファイル どう…