
Public Accounting Firms in China

U.S. CPA firms in China | China Accounting Blog | Paul Gillis

Shanghai VAT Pilot Program:

AMCHAM China’s government has been considering valued added tax (VAT) reform for a few years. However, VAT and business tax (BT) currently account for close to 50 percent of the China government’s tax revenue collection and making adjustme…

住友商事がIFRSの適用を開始、決算短信と有価証券報告書を公開 住友商事がIFRSの適用を開始、決算短信と有価証券報告書を公開 | 日経 xTECH(クロステック) IFRSの任意適用は10年3月期以降に終了する事業年度から、一定の条件を満たした企業に対して認めら…

Customer Satisfaction Survey of Big 4

CFOs Dish On the Big Four - CFO That being said, one Big Four firm emerged as the clear favorite, with 67% of its clients saying they typically recommend it to others: PricewaterhouseCoopers. The lowest-rated firm was KPMG, with 54% of cli…

IASB and FASB Project Updates

Technical Agenda

TUI Travel Drops KPMG after Accounting Error

http://www.asap.co.uk/news/tui-travel-drops-kpmg-after-accounting-error-5635754.html The errors go back many years, stemming from how holiday sales were booked into the company’s accounts. TUI Travel was using two separate computer systems…

XBRLのAssurance Committee

http://xbrl.org/Announcements/Assurance%20Committee%2020100713.htm少し古いのですが、日本人もちゃんと含まれていますね。 Amy Pawlicki (AICPA, USA) has been appointed as the Chair of the Committee. Appointed voting members include: Efrim Bor…

European Financial Management

Wileyでよく本を買うからか、こんなメールが届きました。http://dmmsclick.wiley.com/view.asp?m=hfh97xtg93wql7urz3nj&u=2064825&f=h Forthcoming Symposiums on Asian Financial Management March 24th-26th 2011 Renmin University of China, Beijing and…

IFRS Alert - 日本語訳


IASB Updates


Veritas Scores a Major Transfer-Pricing Victory

Veritas Scores a Major Transfer-Pricing Victory - CFO Based on the licensing agreement, Veritas Software granted Veritas Ireland the right to use certain "covered intangibles," as well as the right to use Veritas Software's trademarks, tra…

国際会計基準に基づく連結財務諸表の開示例の公表について:金融庁 本開示例は、平成21年12月11日に公布された、連結財務諸表の用語、様式及び作成方法に関する規則等の一部を改正する内閣府令(平成21年内閣府令第 73号)、金融庁告示第69号及び関係事務ガ…

IFRS 日本語の資料

http://www.tohmatsu.com/view/ja_JP/jp/knowledge/ifrs/jpnews/index.htmhttp://www.azsa.or.jp/serviceline/ifrs.htmlhttp://www.shinnihon.or.jp/service/ifrs/index.htmlIFRSナレッジ | PwC JapanグループIFRSとは | 日本公認会計士協会リンクを集めただ…

Deloitte "2009 Accounting, Financial Reporting, Tax, and Regulatory Update"

http://www.deloitte.com/view/en_US/us/Industries/Banking-Securities-Financial-Services/article/50d114416bb25210VgnVCM100000ba42f00aRCRD.htm?id=email_FSI_121009ダウンロードしてみたら、なんと228ページもある!興味があるのは、 Section 1: FA…

FASB Codification - July 1, 2009

Will the New FASB Code Change Accounting? - CFO The most obvious change that all CFOs must make is to change financial statements to eliminate the old rule references and either replace them with topic and subtopic numbers, or eliminate th…

Internal Auditing: The 24/7 Approach

http://www.cfo.com/article.cfm/13762854/?f=rsspage At Harrah's, the heavier compliance crush is eased considerably by its ongoing project to achieve "continuous auditing." Definitions for that term vary widely; the Institute of Internal Au…

Application Audit Methodology Presentation

Director at American Express will be presenting the Application Audit Methodology at the IT Audit Summit organized by BrightTalk on May 14th, 2009. http://josejdias.blogspot.com/


4月2日付けですが、4月1日に出していたら、「エープリルフールかよ! えっ、じゃなくて、マジー?」というようなタイミングで出たのですね。なんで今頃こんなことをするのか理解に苦しみます。「内部統制報告制度に関するQ&A」の再追加について:金融…

Costs of IFRS Conversion

Guessing the Costs of IFRS Conversion - CFO Accenture didn't ask the respondents how they came up with their estimates. However, Barton says companies should expect, on average, that half of the work involved will require external sources.…


Finger-Pointing Across Washington Over A.I.G. Bonuses - The New York Timesアメリカで税金を納めていることもあり、AIGのボーナスに関する報道は気になりますね。業務を著しく悪化させたにも関わらず巨額のボーナスを払うようになっている雇用契約を許容…

Journal of Accountancy at Twitter

AICPAがTwitterを始めたみたい。 そのうち書き込みしてみようっと。JournalofAccountancy (@AICPA_JofA) | Twitter

No license to audit in India

Deloitte, KPMG have no licence to do audit work in India - The Economic TimesDeloitte, KPMG have no licence 16 Jan 2009, 0400 hrs IST, M V Ramsurya & Rajesh Unnikrishnan , ET Bureau MUMBAI: KPMG and Deloitte, the two firms entrusted by the…


Wiley CPA Exam Review = The Cooperation With Niklas Luhmann=Wileyのテキストを英語から日本語に訳すブログらしいのですが、紹介文の、 米国公認会計士試験の中で「監査論」は最も難解とされています。 が引っかかるので、ブログに書いておくことにしまし…






E&Yが世界規模で調査をしたようですが、http://www.gaapweb.com/news/491-Transfer-pricing-is-risky-say-MNEs.html Ernst & Young's Global Transfer Pricing Survey found that 87 percent of multinational enterprises (MNEs) feel the issue is a risk …

FASB 109

Summary of Statement No. 109http://www.nysscpa.org/cpajournal/2006/706/essentials/p38.htm Another significant material weakness found among accelerated filers was inadequate documentation of tax-effected cumulative book and tax temporary d…

Compliance Week subscription on sale

Compliance Week - GRC News, Events & Thought Leadership999ドルだと高いけど、599ドルだと出してもいいかなという気がする。 リスクやらSOX関連の情報を効率よくゲットするにはいい所だしな。。。12月31日まで時間があるので、もう少し考えてか…

California overtime suites hit 2 of Big 4

http://www.cfo.com/article.cfm/10047863/c_10046596?f=home_todayinfinance As California goes, so goes the country. If that adage is accurate, Big Four accounting firms may be looking at a slew of class-action lawsuits questioning in-house o…


COSO for Smaller Public Companiesのvol 2~4を参考にしながらELCの評価をしていて思ったのですが、アジア諸国のコーポレートガバナンスのモデルは欧米諸国とは違った共通性があるので、アジア諸国の企業文化やコーポレートガバナンスモデルに適したフレーム…