

去年は元気がなかったのでブログも放置していましたが、今年は気持ちを引き締めて、IFRSとCould Computingについてのお勉強を兼ねて、ちょこちょこと再開していきます。でも、今年の第一弾は仕事関係とは全く関係ない、作ってみたいレシピだったりします。圧…

SAP agrees to pay Oracle

SAP agrees to pay Oracle $120m over 'industrial espionage' • The Register SAP has agreed to pay Oracle $120m in connection with the intellectual property lawsuit Oracle filed against its rival over what Larry Ellison calls "industrial espi…


自分のアカウントにログインしたら、ISACAのサイトにブログを開設することができるのか。 今、気がついた。

IT Executive Roundtables

http://www.itexecutiveroundtable.com/index.php/events-by-state/california-southern/event/16-it-executive-roundtable-luncheon Topics Covered:•Cyber Threats to businesses •Threats to companies from foreign governments and terrorist groups •R…

IT Executive Roundtables

http://www.itexecutiveroundtable.com/index.php/events-by-state/california-southern/event/16-it-executive-roundtable-luncheon Topics Covered:•Cyber Threats to businesses •Threats to companies from foreign governments and terrorist groups •R…

XBRLのAssurance Committee

http://xbrl.org/Announcements/Assurance%20Committee%2020100713.htm少し古いのですが、日本人もちゃんと含まれていますね。 Amy Pawlicki (AICPA, USA) has been appointed as the Chair of the Committee. Appointed voting members include: Efrim Bor…

European Financial Management

Wileyでよく本を買うからか、こんなメールが届きました。http://dmmsclick.wiley.com/view.asp?m=hfh97xtg93wql7urz3nj&u=2064825&f=h Forthcoming Symposiums on Asian Financial Management March 24th-26th 2011 Renmin University of China, Beijing and…

RSA Conference 2011


Risk Management Drama in Japanese

会社員のためのミニドラマで学ぶリスク対応 / 第一法規ストア <本書の内容> 「会社員のためのミニドラマで学ぶコンプライアンス」に続く、第二弾の映像教材。不祥事発生から発生後の対応方法や、「リスク」の本質を取り上げたドラマ形式の映像教材。現場に…

CSA Japan Chapter at LinkedIn

LinkedIn今頃になって見たけど、結構盛り上がっていますね。 アタシもコメントを投稿できるように、ちゃんと勉強しないと。

IASB and FASB issue statement on their convergence work

http://www.iasb.org/News/Announcements+and+Speeches/IASB+and+FASB+issue+statement+on+their+convergence+work.htm The IASB and the FASB are in the process of developing a modified strategy to take account of these concerns that would: * prio…

IFRS Alert - 日本語訳



Business Technology | Blogs | ITBusinessEdge.com The county says it had to pay millions of dollars to remedy the defectively designed and deficiently implemented project.Deloitte claims that it fulfilled all of its obligations under the co…




子供が好きなので、作ってみよう。本格トロトロ箸で切れるチャーシュー(煮豚)の作り方 | 特選男の料理


http://www.cnn.co.jp/usa/AIC201005040008.html ワシントン(CNN) 米ルイジアナ州南東沖のメキシコ湾で起きた石油掘削基地の爆発事故から約2週間が経ち、流出した原油の影響が各地で出始めている。メキシコ湾に面する各州は次々に非常事態宣言を発して…

IASB Updates


Reasons for ERP Implementation Failures

http://www.cioupdate.com/insights/article.php/3862056/Is-Your-ERP-Implementation-in-Trouble 1. A misconception of business expectations. 2. The lack of top level leadership involvement in the project. 3. Business processes were not correct…

FCPA Related Blogs

Archived Version of Nov. 12 Webcast–FCPA: Overcoming the Toughest Issues FCPA Professor: FCPA Undercoverアンテナにリンクを加えておきました。

Jupiter Telecom

Liberty Global to Sell Stake in Japan's Jupiter to KDDI - WSJ The Jupiter sale is scheduled to be announced Monday, the same day Liberty expects to receive regulatory approval on its purchase of Unity Media, the second-largest cable compan…

SEC Rule 3235-AK28: Proxy Disclosure Enhancements

Other Release Nos.: 34-61175, IC-29092 File No.: S7-13-09 Effective Date: February 28, 2010 See also: Proposed Rule Release No. 33-9052 Federal Register version The amendments will require registrants to make new or revised disclosures abo…