EPA Radiation Monitoring


Gross Beta - Levels in Anaheim, California, are thousand times below any conservative level of concern.

The beta gross count rate measures the radiation from all radionuclides that emit beta particles, which is indicated by the term gross or total. The term count rate tells us how quickly beta particles are being detected, which indicates how much radioactivity the monitor is seeing.

Gross Gamma - Levels in Anaheim, California, are thousand times below any conservative level of concern.

The gamma data measures radiation from all radionuclides that emit gamma rays and splits them into ranges of energy. The word gross, or total, indicates that the measurement is from all gamma emitting radionuclides. Not all gamma rays have the same amount of energy. Breaking the data into discrete energy ranges helps scientists to determine which radionuclides may be present.

Gross Beta と Gross Gammaを構成するのは何かわかりました。

Radiation Protection | US EPA


によると、ブウさんのブログで危ないといわれているセシウム137はBeta とGammaの両方に含まれているようです。
