KPMG Chief Defrauds Firm to Keeo his wife happy

KPMG Chief Defrauds Firm to Keep Up With Wife's Wishes - Business Insider

UK’s Daily Mail reports that a KPMG accountancy chief swindled £545,000 to pay for his new wife's luxury tastes.

Andrew Wetherall was just too scared to face a second divorce and just bought into his wife’s every desire- which amounted to £15,000 a month to keep her happy.

From the Daily Mail:

He told officers once he started stealing it became easier and easier as there were few controls or restrictions upon him, and he became cavalier in his approach.

A spokesman for KPMG said yesterday its system had since been tightened up.

And last night when the Daily Mail sought to approach Mrs Wetherall, her husband said: "She's out shopping."

