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THE typical company fraudster is a trusted male executive who gets away with over 20 fraudulent acts over a period of up to five years or more, according to a major new study by KPMG Forensic.

The research analysed 360 actual company fraud cases which the forensic departments of KPMG firms in Europe, the Middle East and Africa have investigated over recent years.


このレポートは、KPMG Forensicがヨーロッパ、中近東、アフリカに実在する360社で発覚した不正について分析した結果ということです。


The research found that the patterns are similar across the globe. Some 85% of fraudsters are male and are typically aged between 36 and 55. By the time a fraudster starts enriching himself by illegal means, he has usually been employed by the company for six or more years.


“Perhaps most importantly, companies need to foster an open and honest culture with an effective mechanism that whistle- blowers can feel secure in using to raise concerns. Getting the honest majority to report the dishonest minority is the ultimate in fraud prevention.”

The research also shows that weak internal controls are the most usual enabler of frauds (in 49% of cases).

Not surprisingly, therefore, offences are most commonly discovered through staff “whistle- blowing” (in 25% of cases). Management reviews are the second most common vehicle for detection (21%).

全社的に従業員は誠実に職務を実行するという企業文化を培うことで、Whistle Blowerが機能するとのことです。(そりゃ、そうだ)



