Fox and Youtube

Fortune - Fortune 500 Daily & Breaking Business News

Fox has filed a subpoena asking YouTube to reveal the identity of the user who uploaded episodes of "24" and "The Simpsons," Google Watch reports. Doh!

This poses a Homer-sized problem for YouTube and Fox's parent companies, Google (GOOG) and News Corp. (NWS), which kissed and made nice last year, with Google guaranteeing $900 million in revenue to MySpace in exchange for the right to sell ads on News Corp's popular social networking site.



Copyright Infringementはいけないということは、アタシも認識していますが、Web2.0の時代らしく、テレビ局もYouTubeとの共存を上手に計り、違法に番組をアップロードされる前に、自分達で番組のハイライトをアップロードするなどして、宣伝に利用すればいいのになと思います。