エンロン関連 仲間割れ

エンロンの元Chief Accounting OfficerであったRick CauseyがFederal Prosecuter(連邦検事とでも訳すのかな



Business News & Financial News | Reuters

Causey, Lay and Skilling have maintained their innocence in the face of multiple fraud and conspiracy charges, the newspaper said.

Causey's attorney, Reid Weingarten, could not be reached for immediate comment, nor could a representative of the U.S. Department of Justice, the prosecutors in the case.

As chief accounting officer, Causey lacked the status and the salary of former CEO Skilling or former Chairman Lay, the Chronicle said.

However, he is an essential link between the government's likely star witness, former Chief Financial Officer Andrew Fastow, and the other two executives.

Causey and Fastow worked closely together, dividing between them the oversight of key financial and accounting operations at the energy conglomerate, the newspaper said.

Causey, along with Skilling and another officer, were assigned by Enron's board to sign off on Enron's transactions with partnerships run personally by Fastow that were at the heart of the company's downfall, the newspaper said.