David Simon - Wharton Leadership Lecture

Don't Write off the Malls Just Yet, Says Real Estate Magnate David Simon - Knowledge@Wharton

Indeed, Simon said during a recent Wharton Leadership Lecture, his firm, the nation's largest public real estate company, might consider making acquisitions again given that prices have recently fallen to levels last seen in 2002. The company, he added, is well positioned to weather a consumer downturn that has eliminated such familiar mall tenants as Wilson's Leather, the Sharper Image and Steve & Barry's.

Meanwhile, those who would write the American shopping center's obituary have been proven wrong before, he noted. During the boom years of the 1990s, Time magazine declared that online shopping meant that malls would soon become extinct. And now, in the bust years of the early 21st century, a new crop of eulogists are predicting that the financial crisis will turn glittering spaces like the Houston Galleria or Indianapolis' Circle Centre into premature relics. "I'm going to bet on the American consumer a bit more than CNBC and the others," Simon said. "I think [retail] will bounce back a little bit faster and harder than most people say."
