Rethinking Risk

Progress may depend largely on incremental improvements rather than technological leaps or massive consulting engagements. Existing risk-reporting processes must break down silos that impede risk oversight and prevent a broader awareness of risk throughout the organization. "It's certainly a major mind shift in corporate thinking," says Beasley. "It has to convey top-down endorsement from the board and executive suite." And, he says, it won't happen overnight.

Unfortunately, regardless of which approach a company decides to take to get its risk-management capabilities up to speed, expect to devote plenty of time and effort to it. "It's not something that you can just decide to do in a week," says Chadee. "It builds through the consciousness of the organization and becomes part of the DNA of the organization." In fact, he says, while it's critical to get executive sponsorship, true success depends on a far more organic process. "When you start developing risk in conversation," he adds, "the formality will develop around it."



今回の調査では、「リスクマネジメントを行う上で大きな障害と感じている事項」を自由記述で回答してもらった。回答を弊社で分類※した結果、全体の約 28%(86社)の企業が社内意識の低さを挙げる結果となった(図表2)。担当者主導でリスクマネジメントの体制を構築しても、個々人の意識向上なくしてはリスクマネジメントを現場に浸透させることは難しい。リスクマネジメントの取り組みが体制面から運営面に進む中、こうした本質的な課題に直面している担当者も多いことがうかがえる。

