


  • Navistar fires auditors; to restate back to 2002

Business News & Financial News | Reuters

The Warrenville, Illinois-based company said its audit committee had terminated its relationship with Deloitte and Touche and had hired KPMG as its new independent auditor.

Earlier this year, Navistar failed to file its Form 10K annual report with U.S. regulators and blamed the delay on a disagreement with Deloitte over "complex and technical accounting issues."

Navistar said it would restate its earnings for the years 2002, 2003 and 2004 and the first three quarters of 2005.

It said the items requiring correction included the "timing of recognition of amounts deemed to be collectible from certain suppliers, including rebates and warranty recoveries; accounting for warranty to be provided by the company outside of the terms of the contractual arrangements; and shifting balances and expense amounts between reporting periods at one of the company's foundry operations

DeloitteからKPMGに監査人を変えたようです。問題となったのは端的に言うとRevenue Recognitionのタイミングでデロイトと意見の相違があったからということになります。(註:これはかなり大雑把な解釈になります。)


